Here at The Exotic Pet Refuge, we provide a lifelong sanctuary for exotic pets that have been abandoned, abused, or given up by their owners. We do not re-home the exotic animals that come into our care. Our mission is to provide a safe, comfortable home for these pets until they pass away naturally.
Our Commitment to Caring for Exotic Pets
Caring for exotic pets like sugar gliders, silver foxes, and even wolves and birds is an immense undertaking requiring substantial commitments of time, money, space, and specialised knowledge. These animals have extremely specific nutritional, environmental, and medical needs that caregivers must fully understand and provide. Their lifespans can extend 20 years or more, meaning this is a lifelong dedication.
Rescuing Exotic Pets in Need
Our refuge has been rescuing exotic pets for over 30 years. We currently provide sanctuary for over 300 animals spanning over 100 different exotic species. It requires a team of trained, passionate caregivers and volunteers providing round-the-clock care to give these animals the high quality of life they deserve. We are always rescuing more exotic pets in need.
The Costs of Caring for Exotic Pets
Providing lifetime care for so many exotic animals is extremely costly, with expenses ranging from customised habitats and enrichment to species-appropriate food and veterinary treatment. But seeing these previously unwanted pets flourish in our refuge makes the commitment worthwhile. We hope to inspire more responsible exotic pet ownership.
Common Reasons Exotic Pets End Up In Shelters
Here at our exotic animal refuge, we have rescued countless pets from unfortunate situations that could have been prevented with proper education and planning. We strive to bring awareness to why so many exotic pets end up surrendered to shelters.
Impulse Purchases
Many obtain exotic pets like sugar gliders, snakes, or monkeys on a whim without doing their research. The novelty wears off as they realise the complex needs and commitment involved. This leads to pets being abandoned.
Lack of Research
People underestimate the specialised diet, housing, enrichment and veterinary care required for exotic species. They are unprepared for 10+ year lifespans. This results in pets with untreated health issues.
Underestimating Costs
Quality food, enclosures, accessories and vet care for exotics is very expensive. Owners often lack funds needed to properly care for pets. We step in when animals are neglected.
Changes in Life Circumstances
Issues like allergies, children, moves or job changes lead to previously wanted pets being discarded. Exotics require dedicated lifetime care.
Behavioural Issues
Many exotics have specialised environmental and handling needs. Owners get overwhelmed by natural behaviours like biting or spraying. Proper handling education could prevent this.
While exotic pets may seem enticing, they require extensive research and preparation before bringing one home. We urge all prospective owners to fully understand the physical, social and financial commitments involved prior to obtaining an exotic pet. Their wellbeing over their lifespan depends on you. With proper education and planning, many exotic pet surrenders could be avoided.
Would you own an exotic pet?